Hello 👋
This is my personal website aka portfolio, which is WIP 🚧
As of now you can see Scroll Animations if you scroll down (and up)! And try to wiggle the links on the top right!
This is my personal website aka portfolio, which is WIP 🚧
As of now you can see Scroll Animations if you scroll down (and up)! And try to wiggle the links on the top right!
Laheriasarai, Darbhanga
some year to 2015No. 1 AFS Darbhanga
2016 to 2023Deoghar
2023 to 2027somewhere
2027 to some yearFind all of my projects in no particular order.
Current Latest Project: Insta Solve
Others will appear here soon, I am working on it.For now, mail me at me@harshnj.is-a.dev